
Showing posts from March, 2018

Charles models turn arounds

I decided to start trying to create my Charles character in Maya to help me figure out how I wanted him to work and what shapes would work best when actually translated into maya. So I came up with 3 final shapes for the bottom of him. I'm intending to do the same thing for Clarissa too as this should help me figure it out for final concept art as well as giving me a basis to help work out my story boarding from.

Fantastic Voyage OGR

Fantastic Voyage OGR by Eleanor 'Nelly' Luckett on Scribd

First Plasticine model! - FV

I decided to help myself with character development by making the characters out of plasticine first. Here is my first complete character. Enjoy!

Soundscapes reflective Statement

I really enjoyed this project and learnt a lot about the way the film industry leads us and tricks us with sounds. I found Kat's lessons massively interesting, and this is an area I am interested in exploring more. In regards to my final soundscapes, I am particularly happy with Scape 1 and its depth and breadth of sounds. I'm not so satisfied with my other two as I found it a challenge to find sounds that well represented what I wanted. I think if I were to do this project again I would try and spend a bit more time working out where I could find more interesting and/or unusual sounds to include. I also know I could have done more had I balanced my time more efficiently, and not had to focus so intently on the other projects as I feel that this one became a bit of a side project for me, rather than getting the full attention that it definitely deserved. I also discovered a number of challenges that I had previously been mostly unaware of, such as background noises needin...

Audition Excersises

Nasa space sounds  We were asked to use one of the videos of space provided to us, and using Nasa space recordings, to reconstruct what we thought it would sound like. This is my solar flare soundscape.  We then had to do the same thing but use generated sounds. These are kinda tricky to control.... Dragon Roar We also had to create a Dragon roar from a variety of different animal noises. Mine was created using wolves, porcupines, sea lions and elephants. 

Finished Soundscapes

Soundscape 1 Soundscape 2 Soundscape 3

Soundscapes original sounds

Blowing Bubbles Origional Sound Effect Boiled Sweets Origional Sound Effect Boiled Sweets Edited Sound Effect Chain Origional Sound Effect Chain Edited Sound Effect Computer Fan Origional Sound Effect Computer Fan Edited Sound Effect Keyboard Origional Sound Effect Longswords Origional Sound Effect Low Tone 1 Sound Effect Low Tone 2 Sound Effect Microfibre Cloth Origional Sound Effect   Modulation 1 Sound Effect   Paper Crinkle Origional Sound Effect   Popping Candy Origional Sound Effect   Popping Candy Edited Sound Effect   Static Sound Effect

Art style influences - Fantastic Voyage

I've spent the last couple of days considering my art style for this project, and how to make it interesting and engaging to 16 and 17 year olds. I feel that it would be very easy to make the animation feel childish which is something I definitely don't want to do, so I started exploring bridges between my natural styles and potential style influences, which lead me to arrive at the style of the game Don't Starve.

Visual references - Fantastic Voyage

I began creating some basic influnce maps around ideas and elements that I would/might want to include in the animation. These started off with finding textures for the heart, so I could consider colours, representations etc. I then began looking at plasma and the similarity between the shapes that plasma beams form and the veins that surround the heart. I also decided to look at the idea of the heart as a "pump" and what real world pumps look like. I decided to focus on Victorian, highly mechanical pumps as these are far more interesting that the small, compact pumps we use these days. Looking at the pumps reminded me of the illustrations of Heath Robinson, who drew absurdly complex and impractical contraptions to perform simple functions. This is not something I want to include in the project as it obviously has to be factual, however the drawing style is very interesting and may prove influential to some of my art direction. He even made some...

Development start - Fantastic Voyage

This is my intial exploration of the potential design routes for my current ideas.  I am starting to think about having the AV node represented as a control room, with a big, catastrophic disaster happening, leading to the Controller having to quickly save the day. I haven't yet decided if I want the control room to literally be inside the heart or as a metaphor for the heart. This is something I intend to explore over the next few days. I started trying to design my Controller character. These are the designs for if he is made from pure energy. I plan to get the more mechanical designs done tonight and uploaded.

Further research - Fantastic voyage

Today I decided to do some more research on the exact part of the cardiac cycle that I am interested in, specifically the Atrio-Ventricular Node. This is the part of the heart that delays the beat in order to ensure both ventricles contract at the same time. I also found a really interesting website (the American Heart Association) which has a really useful animation showing different arrhythmia:

Fantastic Voyage Briefing Notes


Anticipation and follow through (3D)


Toadstool squash and stretch animation
