Premise interim crit

We have been asked to create a list of what we intend to present at the final premise crit. I have been thinking carefully about what I intend to present at the crit, both ideally and what I can realistically aim for. The list I have come up with is:

  • A finalised animatic with composed sound track and voice over
  • Character design bible 
  • Production design bible
  • 2D and 3D rough set models
  • Pre Vis sections 
  • Detailed environment reference photographs
  • Concept art
  • Maya tests
  • Final script

I haven’t got as far with Jet pack Jones as I would have liked. This is partially due to a number of sudden changes in my premise project, but also due to, if I’m honest, a bit of a head block on JPJ. The videos take me a lot longer than the actual length of the tutorials themselves.  However, as you can see above, I have allowed myself more than enough time to finish the tutorials before the deadline. I want to spend some time focusing on my premise project in order to make sure I am on a good footing for moving forwards into year 3, but I also want to ensure I am as prepared a possible technically. I will ensure that I have completed all of the tutorials before the deadline. 


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