Hyper reality - Perspectives
This week’s lecture was on Hyper reality.
- Simulacra and simulation - Jean Baudrillard
- David Boyle - Authenticity
- Pornification - the increasing occurrence and acceptance of sexual themes and explicit imagery in popular or mainstream culture (3rd Order)
- Hyper realism - particularly highly realistic, to the point of being more real than real
- Simulation - imitation of a situation or process
- Simulacra - an image or representation of someone or something
- Fake news - false stories that appear on the news, internet or in other media, usually to influence politics or opinions
- Simulacra and Simulation is a philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard
- Human experience - simulation of reality rather than reality itself
- An individual in a postmodern world is an entity influenced by media, technological experience, and the hyper real
- “We live, not inside reality, but inside our representations of it.”
- Hyper reality makes concrete something that was never so in the first place
- Baudrillard says we have lost all contact with the real world, becoming reliant on images. Reality has begun to imitate the image, substituting the signs of the real for the real, and that we have lost ability to tell nature from simulation
- Photoshopping and editing in the photos of models and celebrities is an example of simulacra
The 3 Orders of Simulacra
- The image is recognised as just an illusion
- Distinctions between the image and the representation break down, increased by mass production and prolific action of copies
- There is no longer the real, only the Simulacra, and it effects reality.
Examples of Hyper Realism
- The Seagaia Ocean Dome, Miyazaki, Japan
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Disney’s ‘Celebration’ Town, Florida
- Poundbury, Dorset
- Stepford Wives
- They Live
- Two Cities
- Death of Princess Diana
- Twin Towers
- Instagram filters
The Truman Show
Reasons the film is postmodern
- Christof acts as postmodern discourse
- Christof as meta-narrative as God - he is able to control everyone, the weather and the environment
- Meta-narrative of monotonous daily life and wanting something more
- Intertextuality between the Truman Show and other films, including Titanic
- Filmed through a combination of traditional cameras, POV cameras and unusual “hidden” cameras. Gives a non-traditional aesthetic.
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