Between the OGR and now I have been trying to fully get my head into the world of my story, a toy city. I wanted to try and get an idea of how the characters would live and how they would react in response to an event like a terror attack. This, for me, meant a lot of research and reading, as well as the nescessary elements such as rewriting my step outline, proposal etc. So here is an update of where I am with more to come over the next couple of days. Enjoy. Image research by Eleanor 'Nelly' Luckett on Scribd I have also been starting some character design work following our character class this afternoon. Here it is. I also decided that as part of the design of the hospital, I wanted to have the word "Healer" on a sign outside, however I wanted it written in a different language and preferably one that has a highly visual language. I know this is a tiny detail to think about now, however I would like this to be a recurring theme thro...