@Phil Development and research drawings - reflection from OGR

Following the OGR, I was advised to do a load more research, so I began finding detailed imagery and making some sketches of those elements as well some of my own ideas from the style.

I have also begun to form in my head who the three queens in the statues are. I think they are going to be the same long-lasting monarch who has three very distinct roles; the warrior, the royal and the carer, and each statue represents one of these.

Here are the rest of my drawings:


  1. So, the issue remains this: how to create that sense of older architectural forms being sort of 'over written' with newer influences? I think you want to think about these styles not so much being discrete chunks of different stuff lined up side-by-side, but more like chunks wrapped in different layers of influence - so one building that itself has older iterations still showing through etc - a good metaphor for this might be something like this:


    and also these:



    I wouldn't get too caught up in the design and drawing of the queens above and beyond visualising the space within which they're situated - particularly if you have a fondness for character... it can be a bit of time sink if you're not careful - let your conceptualisation of the queens help you think about your city and its details.


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