Inivisible cities Reflective Statement

So, we have come to the end of the Invisible Cities project, and it is time to reflect on the process of the work production and my feelings on the project in general.
I have learnt a very large amount about using Photoshop and technical drawing through this project. My increased understanding of perspective, proportion and colour use and management has hugely improved, however I am also aware that I still need to work on perspective. I have a funny feeling that it is one of those techniques you never stop learning.
Generally, when developing work, I focus on a narrative or character, so found that I had to imagine the city as a living organism in order to be able to properly develop it. One of the things I found most challenging was how to include everything. I found that some things naturally put themselves in certain thumbnails, and realised that not everything needed to be in every thumbnail. I could pick and choose what was in which images, bearing in mind that some features would likely be in places that would be outside of the view that I was presenting.

Overall, I found this project very enjoyable but also very challenging. I am starting to speed up in my working so hopefully it should get easier from here. Now that I’ve broken through that wall it should all be easier, well here’s hoping. 


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