
Showing posts from April, 2020

Cave set | Major

Today I completed the cave set for the film. This is where Pugwash and Ellie fly in the boat to hide from the error messages. I am happy with the fact that the light looks like it is coming from the outside. This back-lit effect is something I'm very happy with. I also did some debug renders to show the level of complexity in this low light scene. Basic  Occlusion Wireframe

Exterior Party lighting | Major

Today I have been focusing on getting the lighting correct on the shot of the outside of the party room, as this corridor needs to look quite foreboding and threatening as the narrative is discussing how Ellie is feeling concerned and confused by the situation she is in. I am quite happy about how the scene looks overall, however the lights in the ceiling are casting strange orbs around the light on the ceiling. This is something I will need to rectify in the final renders.

Completed Ryan's workshop | Major

Since last posting this set, I have made a few tweaks to this set. This included refining some of the geometry on the bookshelves and rearranging some of the items to make the desk look a little more used. I found that when I layered the render with an occlusion render, the scene became a lot more in depth and impressive. I think I will probably implement this in the final version.