
Showing posts from March, 2019

lip sync 28/03/19


Life drawing 25/03/19


Mesh Lights Maya


lip sync 21/03/19


Analogue sculpting 21/03/19

This week was more of adding more structural blocking to the face. We also set in the eyes.  I am really enjoying these classes! Add caption

Life drawing 18/03/19

This week in life drawing, we unfortunately had no life model, so Maud set up a still life and we also drew each other. I was trying digital drawing with different brushes in Procreate. These aren't perfect but I'm very happy with these.  This was the still life. This was 1 hour and 20 mins.  This is the time lapse video of the painting above. I quite like these as a method of reviewing my drawing process.  Adri. 10 mins Meg. 10 mins Alfie. 10 mins

Analogue sculpting 14/03/19

Today we began building onto that base we built last week, and adding clay. You have to add quite a thick layer of clay to the model in order to be able to carve into it to model effectively. 

Life drawing 11/03/19

Today in life drawing, unfortunately we had no model so we drew each other. Prior to the class I had prepared a set of textured background to draw into. I was very happy with how they came out. I want to experiment with these a bit more soon.

Vertex 19 Visit

Today, myself and a few others from second year, visited the Vertex 2019 VFX conference in London. This was an incredible opportunity and very very informative. I got a lot out of the event, making lots of notes and getting some ideas for new pathways. Below are the notes I took in the sessions. I am definitely going again next year, and need to go to more events like these. Matte Painting Talk Composition Use focal points to your advantage Different sized shapes  Perspective 1,2&3 point perspective is fundamental Getting perspectives right will make every drawing work Texture and assets also need to be in perspective Values Composition values Depth & scale Match black and white values to placement in scene Keep a black layer on top - blending mode colour - value checker - VERY IMPORTANT - match curves Use values to guide eye through the image Adding a large, out of focus in the foreground can make the design much more effective Use histog...

Moom suprised animation


Analogue sculpting 07/03/19

Today was the first week of sculpting. This was basically creating the base to build upon. We needed to give the milliput time to set over the week.

Premise OGR

Below is my OGR presentation for premise. I haven't quite finished the write up of the voice over yet, but will upload this later this evening and update this post as well as posting it separately.

Premise character design visual research

I decided that in order to make the designs for my characters more distinct and unique, I needed to have access to a large pool of reference imagery. There are some interesting fashion choices by little me in here, but it was the early 2000's, so please forgive the terrible colour clashes. Premise Character Reference by Eleanor 'Nelly' Luckett on Scribd

Premise character design process

After visiting the John Ryan exhibition and workshop, I worked on elements I gained from the workshop and have been drawing multiples of characters from different backgrounds to work out my style. The two initial characters I focused on were Ellie (little me) and Mr De Courcey.